Welcome to the PAYPLUS Personal Accounts Payable System! All you need to do to begin saving time and energy paying those monthly bills is to type 'pay' after unzipping the files. Where's the documentation? Well, it's built-in AND it's pretty extensive! You can envoke either listing or printing the docs via the PAYPLUS Main Menu screen once you've run the startup batch. Hardware Requirements: Simple - any PC/XT/AT/286/386 with DOS 2.2 or higher should support this program easily. Printers: Two choices, an Epson compatible dot-matrix or a HP Laserjet II compatible works just fine. Check printing MUST be done on the dot-matrix, however, as the program is designed to handle pin-feed checks! You can run all the reports on the Laser, though, to save time. Graphics: When initially started up, the program comes up in monochrome. Go to the USER OPTIONS and you can then select COLOR and SOUND if you prefer. The program will support MONO/CGA/EGA and VGA monitors nicely. We hope you find Payplus as handy as we have in processing your monthly bills; we use it all the time and it's a real life-saver around here! If you have any questions/comments, address them to: Minnetonka Software % Greg Smith The High Mountain BBS 2700 Woodlands Village Blvd. Suite 300-305 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 Or leave email for me via the bbs: 602-527-8404 Or on CompuServe: 70040,313 On on AOL: GREGOR7266 Enjoy!